On this page you can keep up to date about Bericoplast and find out about the new chairs in our collections.
If you need more information, we are here to help. Contact us by emailing us, calling us or filling in our online form and we will reply clearly and thoroughly to your question.
Among the new chairs in the Bericoplast range are the Bunny Senior and Junior. These are chairs that have recently been brought back into production, defined by sinuous, soft, refined lines, suitable for various uses and contexts.
The Senior model is for adults, with a frame 46 cm high and a shell available in red, white, green, blue and black.
The Junior model, for children, has a frame with heights of 30, 34 and 38 cm and a shell available in red, pink, green, white, baby blue and blue. Exclusively on request, if you order a minimum amount, you can have a fireproof version of the shell with Italian C1 certification.
The chair is certified in terms of complying for resistance, durability and safety with UNI EN 13139:2013, UNI EN 1728:2012 and UNI EN 1022:2018 standards. For any further information, our sales office is at your disposal; contact us now.
Another new chair in the Bericoplast line is the Helene 1005, ideal for public and outdoor settings. This chair, designed and manufactured on our site in Brendola near Vicenza, fully complies with current regulations for public entertainment and has C1 status and mechanical resistance certification in line with the EN 16139 standard.
Connectable, stackable and disinfectable, this model is available in 16 colours for the shell and three different finishes for the frame.
Via A. Pacinotti 11
36040 Brendola (VI)
Fiscal code and Vicenza Company Register no. 02820640247
REA no. 278820
Share capital €500,010.00 fully paid up