Chairs certified since 1974

We at Bericoplast have been certified for high-quality chairs since our establishment in 1974.

Contact our headquarters in Brendola, located in the province of Vicenza, for any further information.

Production of safe and compliant chairs

Bericoplast has decided to establish a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the following activities:


The Management considers the Quality Policy as a means to lead the company towards continuous improvement in its performance. It is an integral part of the overall company strategy defined after analysing the business context and the requirements of the interested parties, and is based on the following objectives.

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    It constitutes an integral part of the overall company strategy defined following the analysis of the business context and the requirements of interested parties, and is based on the following objectives.

    In order to achieve its corporate goals, the Management of BERICOPLAST S.p.A. implements a general policy for quality and safety with the intention of providing organisational, instrumental, and financial resources to improve the health and safety of workers in the workplace. It is oriented towards providing products that:

    • Meet the market's expressed needs and respond to customer expectations, seeking continuous improvement in the service provided.
    • Comply with current laws and regulations, as well as national and international standards.
    • Are made available at competitive prices and at a cost that generates profit while reducing overall operating costs.

  • company certifications

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In order to achieve its corporate goals, the Management of BERICOPLAST S.p.A. implements a general policy for quality and safety:

  • with the intention of providing organizational, instrumental, and financial resources to improve the health and safety of workers in the workplace;
  • focused on providing products that:Meet the market's expressed needs and continuously improve the service provided, meeting customer expectations;
  • comply with applicable laws, regulations, national and international standards;
  • are made available at competitive prices and at a cost that generates profits while reducing overall operating costs.

To ensure that all these objective are achieved...

The Management commits to addressing safety aspects in all existing and future company activities as relevant aspects of its operations.

Furthermore, it commits to organising the entire corporate structure in a manner that ensures the participation and awareness of all individuals according to their responsibilities and competencies to achieve the assigned quality and safety objectives.

Regarding quality, the Management of BERICOPLAST S.p.A. has identified the following general objectives to pursue through the commitment and involvement of all corporate components:

  • define the necessary measures to ensure that this policy is understood and applied at all corporate levels;
  • continuously achieve and maintain product quality that consistently meets market demands;
  • ensure that the established quality is achieved and maintained over time at an optimal cost;
  • assure customers that the predetermined quality in the finished product is attained, providing evidence within the contractually defined terms and methods;
  • periodically measure and verify the effectiveness of the corporate Quality System;
  • ensure the ongoing effectiveness and efficiency of corporate processes;
  • pursue these objectives with a focus on continuous improvement.

Regarding safety, the Corporate Management commits to:

  • prioritise compliance with current legislation on workplace safety and health;
  • disseminate information and awareness of company-related risks to all workers, providing specific training for their roles and assigned tasks;
  • guarantee worker consultation, also through the safety representative, on safety and health aspects at work;
  • eEngage the corporate structure, according to their responsibilities and competencies, in achieving assigned safety objectives;
  • ensure that equipment design, workplaces, operational methods, and organisational aspects are implemented to safeguard the health and safety of workers, third parties, and the community in which the company operates;
  • respond promptly and effectively to emerging needs during work activities;
  • promote cooperation among various corporate resources, collaboration with entrepreneurial organisations, clients, suppliers, and external authorities;
  • prioritise preventive actions and internal investigations to protect worker safety and health, significantly reducing the likelihood of incidents, accidents, or other non-conformities.

The above objectives are pursued by the Management of BERICOPLAST S.p.A. through the definition and coordination of various aspects of corporate policy (personnel, quality, safety, financial, commercial, investments, etc.).

The achievement and maintenance of these objectives will be ensured through adequate planning, resource allocation, and systematic checks of activities. The context, Policy, Objectives, and the implementation of the quality and safety management system will be periodically reviewed.

By achieving these objectives, the aim is to create a company highly focused on its customers, increase market effectiveness, and make customer satisfaction the differentiating factor, achieving continuous improvement in workplace safety and health.

Specific objectives will be defined annually by the management and communicated to all employees.

Contact us for more information on certification for high quality chairs

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